Thursday, August 19, 2010

Study Hall

Yesterday at dinner, Robert asked me how study hall was going. I replied that, wonderful as it was, I did not want to just keep writing about 'Realizing Genjo Koan'. This morning, however, I read this, and I could not just let it pass by:
"Because we each have different karma, each of us sees the world differently. And yet one often thinks, 'my opinion is absolutely right, and all other views are wrong'. To open the  hand of thought, or to stop discriminating, is to stop judging things solely on the basis of one's own limited views. Because any view is the product of a particular set of conditioned circumstances and experiences, we must give up seeing our own views as absolutely true...
Sawaki Roshi also said, 'people often say "in my opinion..." Anyhow, "my opinion" is no good - so keep your mouth shut!' Keeping our mouths shut does not mean we stop thinking or even stop talking. It means we try to see true reality more and more clearly and deeply as we strive to broaden our perspectives, rather than simply using words or thoughts to justify our own limited views".
Which just goes to show that what I wrote in yesterday's post was completely right.

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